Hello, Teachers!
Would you like to get the Revised Back to School Pack FREE? That’s 32 pages of forms that will be useful in helping you manage your classroom and stay organized! Print these forms and place in a binder and you have a great start for an awesome, organized school year!
Join My Email List to get the FREE Revised Back to School Pack
Well, if you want to get your hands on that FREE Back to School Pack, all you have to do is join my email list (at the top of the page). And not only will you get a bundle of FREE goodies but also notifications for random monthly Follower Freebies. They are available for a very limited time … so get them while they’re hot!
Many of these Follower Freebies are introductory, or parts of items, that will later be available for purchase at my TpT Store.
Here’s what you get in the Revised Teacher’s School Pack:
*The Important Stuff (revised Student Info page for emergency binders & easy access)
* Student Birthdays list
* Getting the Kids Home list (walkers/pick up/bus & #s)
* Things To Do! list
* Parent Contacts (2 versions: class & individual student)
* Conference Reminder (2 versions)
* Note From the Teacher (2 versions)
* Thank You Note (color & black/white)
* Calendar pages (for binder Aug – July)
* Boys, Girls, Nurse, Office Hall Passes
* Open House Sign In sheet
* 1 inch Binder labels
* 1.5 inch Binder labels
* Behavior Documentation (2 versions with antecedent, behavior, consequences)
* Boys/Girls List
* Username/Password list
* Schedule
If you like what you see, PLEASE hit that button below to SHARE on social media!
And last, you will also receive notifications of my other blog posts, because hey, even though it may seem that way, SCHOOL is not all there is! So don’t forget about the other fun stuff, too! Or, if you’d like, you can sign up to only receive teacher related posts … your choice!
*The Back to School Pack can also be purchased here.
So grab this while you can … you never know when I’ll change my mind! 😀
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