I know what you’re thinking, and you’re wrong! You’re thinking, “Christmas is over! What is she thinking?” Well, that’s where you are wrong, my friend. I’m actually helping you out. 😉 I’m actually 363 days early! And I’m helping you get started on an easier Christmas in 2016. So now that you have the time, take a break, grab a beverage, kick your feet up and browse through what went down at my house.
While you’re browsing through this blog post, you might see some things you want to try next year, so here’s my first piece of advice. Grab a 2016 calendar with the blocks that are big enough to write in. You can’t be organized without a calendar. Now, when you see something you want to do for Christmas in 2016 and you need to do something, make something, make a purchase, or whatever … add it to your calendar giving yourself plenty of time to complete the task before Christmas. Say you want Santa boots for your front porch. Make a note on your calendar for the summer to start searching online. Then you can purchase them ahead of time and put them back until they’re needed. Do that for all the little details and by the time Christmas rolls around you’ll have impressed yourself. And even if you don’t do every thing on your calendar at the time specified … it’s there in black and white and you can see what you want to do and it’s on your radar … niggling in the back of your mind. 🙂 Perfect for getting those Christmas cards purchased/made, addressed & mailed ahead of time. I’m already making my list to purchase appropriate colored bags, name tags, gold ribbon & goodie plates. Keep reading and you’ll see why.
For some reason, we always decorate from the outside in. I think it has to do with my husband who has the energy of the Energizer Bunny. And my husband does most of the outside decorating. I just do the “designing” and put the final touches on. This year our decorations were about the same as last year. So it took minimal thought and planning on my part.
After I convinced Chris that it would only protect the wagon better, he repainted
the wagon red AGAIN. 😉
Chris decided he wanted to light the wagon up this year instead of using the spotlight.
The votive candles I made to go down the sidewalk. These are leftovers
from my Christmas Bunco last year.
I love the Santa boots and I started using the magnolia leaves last year. Chris found
the red berries this year to add. Since I already had the vintage milk can on my
front porch, I just incorporated it into my decorations and added a poinsettia into it.
Love it!
I started using the little trees in the planters last year. We’ll plant the trees when we take the decorations down. I never got a good shot of the sled my brother-in-law made me YEARS ago.
After this photo was taken, Chris decided to light up the columns.
That was the finishing touch it needed. Welll … there are other things we’d like to do,
but that was enough for this year. 🙂
Red and white tree on the back deck
You can’t see them, but hanging under each red bow is a huge red ball or red/white peppermint candy
merry, merry Post 2 … Inside the House!
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