My granddaughter LOVES Halloween! She’s a Candy Queen!
Since the first time we took her toddling off to go Trick or Treating she’s loved it. How could a Candy Queen not? You get to walk up to people’s house that you don’t even know, knock on the door and they give you FREE candy!
You don’t even have to say trick or treat if you don’t want to and they always tell you how cute you are.
Win win!
This is my favorite photo of Dakota trick or treating. She’s dressed as a 60s flower child. The poncho is one that I actually wore in the 60s as a child. Yeah, DON’T do the math!
This is my grandson, Gunner, last year. Isn’t he the cutest thing??? 🙂
Trick or treating is big in our neighborhood. I have a huge bowl that I start filling up the first of October. I have to keep refilling the bowl as the month goes on because the Candy Queen, my son in law, and my husband all love candy. I love watching them digging through that big bowl of candy hunting their favorites.
By the time trick or treating is over, the bowl is usually empty … thanks to my husband. He usually tells the kids when they come trick or treating to “just get what you want”. Yeah, he’s had to rein in a few. Crazy! 🙂
Anyway, I’ve added a couple of new purchases to my Halloween decorations this year and I LOVE them!!
I just got my Halloween wreath yesterday. I’d seen one on fb that the mother of one of my daughter’s childhood friends made. It would have matched my new witch perfectly. So I commissioned my own wreath and I LOVE how it turned out. I couldn’t have bought anything more perfect! Cheryl did a great job on it and it was a great price. This photo does not really do it’s awesomeness justice! (Want to know how to store these gorgeous wreaths? That’s in an upcoming post. So stay tuned.)
See how perfectly it matches my new witch?
Isn’t she precious?!?
I also added this new metal jack o’ lantern.
The dog I got when Dakota was small and she didn’t like him because she was afraid of dogs. He’s a favorite still after all these years, even with the neighborhood kids. They always make sure that he has candy in his little jack o’ lantern bucket.
This will look more pulled together when I add the fall stuff with it towards the end of the month for the Fall/Halloween Decorating Contest. The real pumpkins and mums pull everything together.
Some snaps from inside ….
just got this tray and I’m not sure yet where/what I’m going to do with it
I couldn’t resist adding this pic of Captain Gunner. He was just too cute with his “parrot”! 🙂
And this one of his big sister taking him trick or treating. So sweet!
If you’re all into the Halloween thing like I am, I also did a blog post on “BOOing” your neighbors. So take a peek at it. The 3 little & not so little girls I BOO’d loved it and couldn’t wait to BOO someone else. What a fun thing to do for someone else!
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